Random Observations in Nepal

by - Monday, January 18, 2010

-The most frequent accident happens when motorcycles run into cars as a result of ignoring turning signals. For similar scenes, watch the movie ‘Jackass’.

-Most Australian products are damn good here. It makes up for what you can’t get from Europe or the U.S. Ever tried Berri Juice?

-This is not winter, but disease season. The entire family was wiped out by a respiratory illness way too common for a smog laced Kathmandu at this time of the year. To quote Tom Lehrer in his hymn to the city: “If the hoods don’t get you the monoxide will.”

-What is still mind-boggling to me is watching men and women half my size carry full size closets, desks, and sofas by themselves, on their backs by means of a strap tied around their heads. Truly amazing. Watching this gives me a headache.

-An idea here: why don’t we have a bhand against bhands? That’ll teach ’em.

-I don’t think there can be anything more gut wrenching than the recent earthquake in Haiti. When I was in Brooklyn, Haitians were my main clients. Good Lord, that country is cursed. It’s also another scary reminder of what this city will probably look like when another one hits here.

-It’s sad that we have to go through bootleggers to get some halfway decent entertainment in Kathmandu. A movie here costs less than a rental in the States. Problem is, it doesn’t seem illegal here, what with even the Bhat Bhateinis (the Nepali Walmarts) selling the stuff.

-It’s true, but I never watch TV here, but I just saw the Late Show here… at nine in the morning.

-For Christmas, I just got an Iphone. Great toy, really. Compass, clock, great games, camera, Ipod. Now I only need to make the damn phone work.

-Flashback. I still love negotiating with merchants here. Reminds me a lot of Marrakech in Morocco. It’s so much fun laughing with the guys, although I think I am laughing more at the prices they demand for some of their worthless stuff. Only yesterday did a merchant go from 1200 rupees for a lock to two hundred within a matter of minutes. It helps not to be a tourist sometimes.

-The garbage carriers were on strike until a few days ago. People estimate it will take weeks until the garbage littered streets can be cleared. This does not bode well for a city notorious for being untidy.

-Allegedly, India is trying to popularize Christmas to capitalize on its incredible market. With more than a billion people in India, you can’t fault CEO’s for trying.

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